Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Troy/ Permagum

Today didn't start to great. Left passports in safe at place we just left 45mins ago. Noel went back with driver to get them and I wandered through Troy. Not too much to see considering that there is 9 towns on top of each other. There were some ruins but in quite bad disrepair.

After we left here we had a long drive to the ruins of Pergamun. These were built of top of a mountain giving a panoramic view of the surrounding district but murder in trying to walk around them.

This was the major religious city's in its time. It also had the second largest library of the ancient period before Christ. When Alexandria library burnt down, Mark Antony had its scrolls and books shipped from here to Alexandria as a gift for Cleopatra. 
This is the Amphitheatre, one of the steepest around. This gives you an idea of the terrain we are negotiating.
Well We went out after dinner to the back street stalls to enjoy the real life away from the tourist strip. We sat at a local bar drinking local beer and smoking a shisa pipe, Apple and mint, different I must say. We all had a great time. but paying a bit now.
Love to all Mum& Dad. xxxx

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