Monday, September 27, 2010


Well today we left Istanbul, and left Istanbul, and left Istanbul. You can imagine the traffic in a city of around 20 million. But we made it. It was mostly driving with 2 comfort stops, as they call them, til around 2pm when we reached Gallipoli.

We went to ANZAC Cove to pay our respects and to get a perspective of what our boys faced.

 We visited several cemeteries’ including Lone Pine.

 We conclude with a visit to the Neck.
 Then on to pay our respects at the Turkish Memorial.
After a few hours here we headed down to the ferry so we could cross "The Dardanelles" and head into Canakkale, our stop for the night.
So up tomorrow to leave at 7:30 for a place made famous by one of these....
Dont know where we are going. for some strange reason when I took this photo, Leanne kept looking up are yelling YOO HOO BRAD! Funny name for a horse.

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