Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 12

Hello People,
Well today we left Petra so we could take in Wadi Rum. This was the early morning view.

It's surprising how mountainous this country is. It took us over an hour to get there. Wadi Rum is a dessert area, made famous by Lawrence of Arabia led the Arab revolt from. The movie was also, parts of, shot there.
After Wadi Rum it was back in the car, south to Aqaba. From tis main port city you ca see Egypt and Israel. We followed the border of Israel to the Dead Sea. We had a float in the Dead Sea, you can't swim in it!!! It is really is a strange sensation. The water feals oiley and you dont sink.
The things you find floating around.

Then we covered ourselves with the mud, The driver said to keep it on for 10 minutes to get the best benifit, looking at Noel he recommended a lot longer.

We are in Amman now, had a fancy dinner, now for some shut eye as tommorow we start again. Tommorrow is our last day in Jordan, pity it's a lovely place.
Love to all Leanne & Noel. xxxx

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