Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 8

Hello again

Last night we had a party on board our ship and meet some lovely people. We got on so well with them, had so much in common.

Up early to pack bags and check out by 7am, so we can get early start to the Valley of the Kings.

The first tomb Ramses 1V, then Ramses 111 followed by Ramses 1. Amazing colours still to be seen throughout. The detail is astounding considering the time in which they were built. Bloody hot out there in the limestone valley. The whole valley  consists of limestone. Lucky for them it is not a country that has a lot of rain like Australia otherwise the tombs would be destroyed.
Back in van to Hatshepsut Temple. This was destroyed by Ramses 11 and his successors. What we seen today was a reconstruction. Still very imposing for the time it was built.

The last place we visited today Colossi of Memnon. These are the last remaining evidence of a temple, but has been destroyed by nature and used for building material by other Pharaohs.

Had lunch on the boat yum yum....and now have a seven hour wait for our flight to Cairo. Slipped in Luxor for a bit of shopping, but now at our favourite spot.....the airport terminal.

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