Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jodan to Turkey

Well we are here.
Leaving Amman was.... well lets just say we survived the airport. I was told, basically the more money for tip, the faster you get through! I had only 10 dinar (15 ozzie) so he pushed in the front of the queue at each checkpoint. I refused to give him more.
5 hours, that's with waiting we arrived in Istanbul. Traffic was so bad that we had a choice on our way to the hotel, walk the last 10 minutes or stay in the car for another 25. We walked.
After settling in we went for a walk through the spice bazaar, Leanne was in heaven $10.60 AUD for a kilo of Turkish Delight.
We had a meet & greet, 16 of us start tomorrow. we lose 7, 5 days in, while they travel a section by boat. They meet up after 3 days. The last  4 days we drop to 8. All seem good, hope so after all we are on a small bus for 14 days.
Well time for some shut eye, go looking at some of the sites on the Asia side then we are going out for dinner on the Europe side.. got all that??
love mum & dad. xxxx

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