Sunday, October 10, 2010

Last day in Cappadocia.

Hello again, the way the days are flying I won’t be typing that much longer. This morning we got up to Grey skies, rain and sore heads. Too much Raki and belly dancing, at least today we had a sleep-in. Due to the bad weather it was decided to go to gorge for a look but we are not doing the walk. It’s a pity as it seems very lovely and a totally different trek to our last gorge.

Didn’t matter how much it rained, the underground city was quite dry. We descended to the 4th floor with another 4 below us. This was carved out of the soft volcanic rock and is part of a vast network of other underground cities in the region. They were built under the towns and when they were attacked and when defeat looked likely the town folk would disappear into the labyrinth of tunnels. These cities were fully stocked for life underground for extended periods with kitchens and stables for livestock. If the attackers found the entrance and started over running the refuge, no problem. They sealed off the escape routes which were tunnels leading to other cities, some over 10 kilometers away.

We then headed back, on the way we stopped for a photo opportunity at the fairy Chimneys under different light conditions, Grey skies. Then into town for a Turkish Bath. It’s a fairly long process to get clean with some big hairy Turk scrubbing and bashing you throughout the experience. We started by striping to our cozies then wrapping a long thin tablecloth around us. Then into the sauna for a bake. while we were in there a attendant came in to see if we wanted a drink of water or coke or a BEER. Then into a shower to wash off the sweat. We then went into a room where we sat between the sinks. Some muscle bound, mustached, hairy Turk then came up to you and threw cold water all over you then scrubbed with a mitt which felt like grade 3 sandpaper! Once that was done it was onto a heated marble slab where they grabbed you and squeezed and stretched you till you went POP!!! When they heard a crack they would yell in triumph and start on a new area. Once everything was broken they scrub almost every inch with soap in a soothing massage. Just when everything was feeling good, they would take you back to the sink and throw cold water all over you again. Off to a quick shower then into a warm pool to prune up. When you exit the pool they wrap you up in towels, give you an apple tea and a lie down on a sun lounge. When fully rested you proceed back to the change room to dress.
We then headed to a traditional restaurant for a testic kebab. It’s not the right way to spell it but that’s the phonetic way. It was good too.
Anyhow it’s getting late and we are up to start our drive back to Istanbul at 4:30, leaving at 6am after breakfast. So will talk again soon, Love Noel and Leanne. xxxx

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