Sunday, October 3, 2010

Free day in Kas

Went for a walk in town this morning to drop of laundry in Laundromat. Went into town square, had a cuppa while overlooking the marina. Nice village with a lovely view, but the Baklava was better, mmmmm. Noel went  back to hotel to catch up on some stuff? Robyn and I went browsing through the market village. Found some nice things but now I know why they pronounce this place as cash. 
Meet up with Noel and friends for another drink in the town square. After we headed to a  restaurant overlooking Little Pebble Beach. It is called this as all the sand are small lucky stones. Then there is Big Pebble Beach and guess what it has, big lucky stones.

These were our view for lunch.
Picked up laundry and then back to hotel for dip in pool. Having a quite beer before we head out to Mamma's Kitchen for dinner with the others.
Just back from dinner, OMG. How good was it. It was so good to get away from that buffet and taste real authentic Turkish food.
Now off to bed, on the boat tomorrow to explore the Mediterranean coast and its secrets.
Love to all, Noel & Leanne. xxxx

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