Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hello everyone,
Well getting back into the swing of things again, that's if I can sleep a full night. Turning the body clock around is always a bummer. Never mind we are both getting there.
Well now its all catch up, family, friends and bills. The thank yous' have to be handed out as well;
Teri, for looking after Jake and the house. For paying bills and organising the household whilst commuting.
Jake; for sometimes looking after Tez, when you were not eating everything like my fathers day chocolate.
Matthew; for setting up the blog.
All of you; for following us over the 4 weeks via the blog. Google search shows us 3rd on page 1 and on page 4.
Guides; Mohammad in Egypt, Mohammad #2 in Jordan & best for last Yavus in Turkey who was fantastic throughout the tour.
Tour companions; All of you who traveled through Turkey with us, a big thanks for putting up with Noel's jokes.

Leanne; for putting up with me & looking after me when I was a bit crook and about to loose it with the other guides and some taxi drivers.

Me; for sitting up late or running around trying to get a good connection to share all this with you all.
So until our next trip it's "see ya all when ever we can".
Thanks and love to all, Noel & Leanne.xxxx

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