Monday, October 11, 2010

Back to Istanbul.

It's not natural. Waking this early when on holidays, 4:45am. Have Breakfast then all aboard for a 12 hour trip to Istanbul.
Nothing to really tell, we slept and chatted whilst watching the country side fly past. The weather was very cold and raining. Just past the capital it started to get very very cold and when we were in the hills, we passing through snow.
While we were driving through the snow, one of the wipers fell off the bus. Luckily it was the passenger, but when we stopped for lunch the other one had a problem. We were stuck there for an hour until the driver was able to get his working again.
So off again, trying to makeup time. All was going good til we hit Istanbul.
Good to know where you are in case you get lost?????
It,s all coming to a finish, so tonight we went out for a farewell dinner. A great time was had by all. It was hilarious watching our guide, Yavaus, trying to grasp slang from us Aussie's and Kiwi's. goodbyes have been said and details exchanged as most of us drift off as we all have different times for Airport Transfers tomorrow. Love to all, noel & Leanne. xxxx

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